The WatsonArts Studio and Gallery is located in the Redlands in Grand Junction, CO. 

The Gallery is Open by Appointment Only!  

Jo Watson produces print-works using a variety of printmaking techniques including intaglio, relief, monotype and collagraph. She especially enjoys linocut, woodcut and Solarplate photopolymer plates. Classes available in printmaking techniques.

Jo Watson creates realistic paintings in oil and acrylics and especially enjoys painting landscapes and flowers. Check out her Classes page for information on Oil Painting Classes.

With an Art Degree in Textiles and Graphic Design, Jo Watson enjoys weaving, knitting, spinning and crochet. She spent 2 years in New Zealand working with alpaca and wool fiber exploring different fiber spinning and dyeing techniques.

From the Artist

As an artist and retired physician, I am acutely aware of the interface between our life energy and the environment around us.  My art reflects a desire to connect the human touch with the natural world through multiple artistic processes, including landscape paintings, intaglio and relief printmaking, and handmade textiles.  The use of natural scenery, along with various mediums and natural materials, some in combination, allows me to express my passion to capture the colors, patterns and textures found in nature and create artworks that speak of the vitality of our existence and beauty of our world.


“If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it:  Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”

                     William Morris, The Beauty of Life    1880


Have any questions? I am always open to hear about your interest in my artworks or class offerings.